FHT is the professional association of choice for student therapists.
Established in 1962, we promote high standards in education by supporting tutors in their teaching to ensure students are gaining their qualifications and acquiring the information they need for their future careers.
Now tutors and students are accustomed to blended learning, FHT has created a range of online resources ideal for student therapists starting, or progressing, through their qualification. The resources have been created exclusively with students in mind and are all free so read on to find out what is available to you and your students.
Ayrshire College are very proud of our Wellness and Complementary Therapy education programme, which fully funds course relevant FHT professional membership and student insurance. We are committed to ensuring that our students are fully prepared for their future career journey when they leave college
Virtual Student Presentation
It is FHT's aim to promote high standards in education and ensure student therapists have the support and information they need to confidently excel on their journey to qualification and beyond. To do this, FHT's virtual student presentation programme sees a specially appointed FHT representative present virtually to your students. The session with one of our representatives provides your students with valuable information about our professional association, therapy insurance, professional practice and much more. Presented over the video platform of your choice, let us show your students what we can do to support them as professionals.
If you would like to book a presentation slot, please get in touch using this form.
Membership magazine
International Therapist is the FHT's membership magazine, enjoyed by therapists everywhere. The magazine covers a broad range of subjects within the complementary, beauty and sport industries. As a membership benefit, it is not available off the shelf but FHT would love to supply your class with the latest copy.
If you would like to discuss any of the above or chat to someone about student membership then please email info@fht.org.uk or call 023 8062 4350.