Are you looking to become an Accredited Course Provider in the therapy industry?

The FHT's accreditation team is here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Our accreditation process ensures that qualifications and short courses meet the highest standards, providing students with the confidence that they are receiving a quality education. By becoming an FHT Accredited Course Provider, you'll be recognised nationally and internationally, giving your courses the credibility they deserve in the industry.

Whether you are a new or existing course provider, our team is here to help you achieve accreditation and take your courses to the next level.


Benefits of FHT accreditation include: 

There are many benefits of becoming an FHT Accredited Course Provider. Newly accredited course providers will receive:

  • A certificate of accreditation and a wall plaque to display in your premises.
  • A listing in our respected membership magazine, International Therapist, and on the website.
  • A logo for use on your course documents and website.

A new certificate will be sent annually to accredited course providers upon renewal.

Become an FHT Accredited Course Provider

There are two types of accreditation available:

  • Accredited qualification; involving a review of the course documents, plus an inspection visit to observe course delivery and to review health and safety procedures at your venue.
  • Accredited short courses; involving a review of the course documents with no inspection visit, however, we do ask for photographic evidence of your venue to review health and safety procedures.

Please Note: Accreditation timescales are dependent on receipt of course documentation and availability of both parties for inspection.

If you are running a therapy qualification or short course, and would like to learn more about the FHT Accreditation scheme the following links provide more information:

For a checklist of the documents required before starting the process click here.

We believe that our FHT Accredited Course Providers are our best advocates. Here is what they have to say about us ...

"Reiki Tradition selected the FHT to be our Accredited Course Provider because of the high standards, mark of quality assurance and code of conduct they expect from their members and training providers. Accreditation has proved highly successful for our students assisting them to work alongside orthodox medicine in hospitals, hospices, care & residential homes. Being able to offer accredited Reiki courses with standards and quality, is something we wanted at the core of our business. Since becoming an Accredited training provider Reiki Tradition has come to realise that many students are wanting the accreditation route & opting for the quality assurance that is gained from choosing us as their chosen training provider."

Martin Thirlwell, MFHT, for and on behalf Reiki Tradition