The FHT welcomes article submissions from both members and non-members.

While we only have room to publish a limited number of articles in the FHT’s quarterly magazine, International Therapist, we also regularly publish items on our website and our blog, which we provide links to via the magazine, e-newsletters, social media and within the Members' Area.

Please include a brief pitch (one paragraph is usually adequate) outlining your idea, and if you have not written us before, a brief outline of your previous writing. We do not have time to read unsolicited features and cannot reply to these.

If you would like to submit feature ideas, please email our editor who will be happy to give guidance on

General guidelines

Content: The FHT is happy to consider any article that is relevant and may be of interest to its membership. This includes articles that are more member-focused/experiential in nature, providing these relate to therapy work.

Articles that are ‘advertorial’ in nature (i.e. that heavily promote a specific product or training provider) are unlikely to be published. For advertising opportunities, see here. Press releases should be sent to

Good topics for articles include case studies and therapy specific articles that explain how therapies have been used to support clients with particular health conditions. In addition, articles that introduce readers to new or lesser known therapies can be particularly useful.

Format: The article must be supplied as an open Word document, using Calibri font (size 12). 1.5 line spacing should be used throughout the document, with single spaces between sentences.

Spelling: Please double-check the spelling of names and technical/medical terms, e.g. therapist names, muscles, conditions, essential oil properties and so on.

Word count: This will depend on the type of copy submitted, but as a general guide, we suggest:

  • Members’ news: up to 200 words;
  • Features: 500 words (single page); 1000 words (two pages); 1500 (three pages). We can publish more than three pages if required for longer form articles, but this will be decided by our editor.

Editing: All articles submitted to the FHT are subject to editing but where possible, please try to ensure that your article flows well and is reader-friendly. We can always help.

Publishing: Please note that submitting an article does not guarantee publication. The FHT may also delay (or occasionally withdraw) publishing articles accepted for publication, for a variety of reasons.

Pictures: Supporting pictures must be high-resolution, unless being supplied for web use only. Where possible, please ensure the background is neutral and uncluttered; that long hair is tied back, jewellery is removed, and modesty towels are in place, etc. Please confirm that these are your own images and anyone included has agreed to being published, or make sure you have a licence to use them.

CPD points: All articles that are published in International Therapist or on the FHT website are worth 3 CPD points – simply keep a copy on file. However, please do not specifically write and send in an article to gain CPD points! There are lots of other ways to gain your points. Please visit here for more information.

Submitting your article: Please email your article to our editor Mollie Steel at, writing ‘IT Article Submission’ in the subject box, along with your full name. If you are a member, please include your membership number. 

Please ensure you also attach a completed FHT Article Permissions Form: