
Rosie Beasley
Tel: 07802 794839


The Northern Network (Belfast & District) LSG is a place to connect with other therapists to be encouraged and feel supported, especially for those who work alone, a place to catch up with friends old & new. It is also a safe place to ask questions on what's working or not, to keep up with what's  ne within the industry, any changes in regulation etc how this may affect you & your business, alongside collecting some or all of your CPD points each year.

The Northern Network meets 5 times a year on the last Friday of Sept, Nov, Jan, Mar & May, in the Body & Sole School of Complementary Therapies, Sloan Street, Lisburn  BT27 5AG.  Doors open at 6.45pm for 7pm start, cost £8 (cash) payable at door grab a cuppa on the way through. You will find details of upcoming meetings in the International Therapist magazine, FHT's monthly newsletter, by email from FHT, on Body & Sole's face book page & our own WhatsApp group.

Meetings and events

Friday 31st Jan '25  After the rush of Christmas come along & enjoy a relaxing foot/shoulder/head or hand massage while catching up with others over a cuppa.  Ruth Johnston will demonstrate reflexology points to help with relaxation.  

Friday 28th Mar Sharon will share the many benefits of yoga before leading us in some chair yoga.   TBC

Friday 30th May     TBC

Additional Information

£8 per night with attendance earning 2 CPD points (Educational only)