Homeopathy involves providing people with highly diluted substances – known as remedies – that aim to trigger the body’s natural healing process.

It is based on the principle of treating ‘like with like’, therefore a substance that can produce certain symptoms in a healthy person can also treat the same symptoms in someone unwell. For example, if someone had a cold, they might be given a remedy containing onion extracts, which would typically make a healthy person’s nose and eyes run.

What to expect

While remedies will be selected according to your individual needs, homeopathy is considered a holistic treatment, that aims to treat you as a ‘whole’, and not just your presenting symptoms or problems.

Your homeopath will carry out a very detailed consultation, asking you questions about your health, lifestyle, emotional state and medical and family history. Based on all of the information you provide, the homeopath will then prescribe you a single or combined remedy, usually in the form of small white pills, it can also be in the form of tinctures, granules or powders.

Remedies are made from plant, chemical, mineral or animal sources, which are diluted and then shaken vigorously. This process is known as succession and the number of times it is repeated determines the strength of the remedy.

Benefits of homeopathy

Homeopathy is used to support people living with a wide range of conditions and complaints and has been available via the NHS since it was founded in 1948. There are two NHS-funded hospitals offering homeopathy in the UK. The largest of these is the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (formerly the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital), which uses homeopathy to support patients who are referred with chronic musculoskeletal pain, and musculoskeletal, autoimmune and rheumatic disorders.

To read more about the potential benefits homeopathy has to offer as a form of complementary therapies

Homeopathy should not be used in place of conventional medical care. Always consult a GP or other health professional for medical attention and advice.

N.B. The FHT does not endorse CEASE Therapy, Homeopathic Detox Therapy (HDT) or homeoprophylaxis and we are unable to accept or insure these treatments under the FHT scheme. www.asa.org.uk/news/cease-therapy-claims-must-stop

Choosing a therapist

It is important to choose a qualified homeopath who has undertaken the necessary training to understand the theory and practice of this technique. 

In order for a qualification to be accepted for FHT membership and to the FHT Therapist Register, it must meet the following criteria:


Skills for Health National Occupational Standards:

  • CNH1 Explore and establish the client’s needs for complementary and natural healthcare
  • CNH2 Develop and agree plans for complementary and natural healthcare with clients
  • CNH15 Explore and evaluate with individuals factors relating to their health and well-being within the context of homeopathy
  • CNH16 Integrate and evaluate information about invidividuals health and well-being within the contect of homeopathy
  • CNH17 Prescribe homeopathic treatment for individuals
  • CNH18 Dispense homeopathic remedies for an individual
  • CNH19 Review and evaluate homeopathic treatment, case management and practice development

All qualifications related to the FHT’s Register modalities must be reviewed by the FHT Education Panel. The qualification is reviewed by an expert in that particular therapy prior to the registrant being accepted to the FHT Therapist Register.

Training Required

Practical led and observed training. This will ensure the course is mapped to the above standards.

N.B. Training must be at least 3 years and a level 6 (i.e. degree level) to be considered.

By choosing a homeopath who is an FHT member, you can be confident that they are professionally trained, qualified and insured. They will also be listed on our FHT Therapist Register, as homeopathy is considered a form of complementary healthcare. 

To check that an FHT member is on the FHT Therapist Register