Zero Balancing is an advanced bodywork which specialises in balancing both the human energy field and its anatomical structure


We are musculoskeletal beings, yet most bodymind therapies focus only on the muscular side of that equation which addresses only half of that system. Zero Balancing with it’s mindful focus on the bones, key joints, and the energy flowing through them, as well as on the soft tissues associated with them is truly integrative and allows us to discover ourselves at the deepest densest layer of who we are, in our bones. Therefore the deepest tensions within us over time accumulate and can also sink into the deepest layers of the body and mind, those associated with the skeletal and nervous systems. Restrictions, often unconscious holding patterns and tensions in the core of our structure, tangibly affect how we feel, move and function in our lives.

Zero Balancing is an effective and efficient hands on bodywork approach to supporting optimal health and wellbeing, clearly meeting you as you are and where you are in life skilfully, respectfully and unconditionally.


Developed in the 1970’s by Dr Fritz Smith MD, an Osteopath, Rolfer and Acupuncturist who’s synthesis of knowledge became the bodywork system of Zero Balancing or ‘ZB’ for short. ZB is considered a leading edge in body mind therapies, Dr Fritz effectively reconciling the rigorous demands of Western science with the cosmological radiance of Eastern models of health, the natural world and transformative process.


Zero Balancing promotes a deep sense of physical and emotional harmony, allowing the innate intelligence and natural healing process of the bodymind to work more efficiently. ZB benefits a wide range of people and has extensive applications in supporting health and personal development. People who receive ZB may also move into new states of awareness from which old patterns and habits in the body-mind are released. This can manifest as noticeable changes in the way we relate to ourselves, others and the world around us.

Zero Balancing can be a useful tool in managing stress and anxiety, left unchecked can lead to a decline in mental/physical health and more complex pathologies. Contemporary life is fast paced and increasingly attracting us into exciting virtual experiences, which if not used wisely can lead to a sense of overwhelm, disconnect and loneliness. ZB in its ability to return you back to yourself in an uncontrived authentic way is a potent antidote to the challenges of our times.

Included in the many benefits of Zero Balancing are:

  • Enhanced feelings of vitality and wellbeing
  • Improved posture, alignment and physical function
  • Relief of the symptoms of stress
  • Reduced physical and emotional pain
  • Strengthened resilience, self acceptance and self actualisation
  • Greater clarity, creativity and cognitive ability
  • Deeper relaxation, sense of calm and stillness


Each Zero Balancing session is unique and can last between 30 and 40 minutes. After an opening chat, you will be invited to lay fully clothed facing upwards, on the bodywork table for the remainder of the session. ZB facilitates states of deep rest and rejuvenation as the ZB'er evaluates and balances the flow of energy through your body structure, which is deeply restful and restorative.

As people return to receive ZB, feelings of familiarity and trust allow a deepening of the work to take place, continue and amplify. Therefore a recommended series of three sessions to begin with will enable you to experience and drop into the deeper levels of yourself. Zero balancing gives you the gift of yourself.

Some people have ZB sessions regularly as a support for continued health, wellness and self developmental process, whilst others find ZB most beneficial during key times of crisis, prolonged stress and transitional periods of change.

A recent study on the effects of receiving Zero Balancing confirms a significant 61% reduction in stress levels along with the clear correlation between reduced stress, less tension, and expanded states of consciousness. (Zero Balancing Touch Foundation Neuro Synchrony Institute, 2017) Zero Balancing has been taught in the UK since 1983. Practitioners of Zero Balancing are health-care professionals who have been trained to a recognised level of skill and awarded the title Certified Zero Balancer.

Should you be interested to find out more about Zero balancing:
Zero Balancing UK, 'ZBUK

Zero Balancing Touch Foundation, 'ZBTF