Practice name
Alison Grosvenor
Alison Grosvenor

United Kingdom

Business Email

54.5309199, -1.2014518


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Aromatherapy massages, from head to toe.

Alison has been my go-to for the past three months, giving me a series of five aromatherapy massages that have honestly been a game-changer for me. Each session is like a little journey of its own, leaving me feeling completely refreshed and sorted out, both body and mind.

Alison is just fab. She's got this warm and friendly vibe that makes you feel right at home from the get-go. She really listens, actually tuning into what you're saying and how you're feeling, which makes each massage spot-on for what I need at that moment.

She's all about making sure you're getting the most out of each session, whether it's adjusting the massage pressure or choosing just the right essential oils. The whole experience is just so chilled and personal.

The difference I've felt since starting these sessions with Alison is unreal. Physically, I'm way more relaxed, and my muscles are thanking me for it. But it's more than that – mentally and emotionally, I feel lighter and more ready to tackle whatever life throws my way.

I'm definitely sticking with Alison for the long haul. Her combination of professionalism, skill, and that genuine caring is something special. If you're on the lookout for some top-notch aromatherapy massage action, Alison's your person. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Big thanks to Alison for making each session a right treat. You've got a real gift, and I'm already looking forward to my next visit!

Posted by Carole Bookless

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