Hello and welcome. Thankyou for landing on my page, I'm glad you are here.

My name is Donna Marie. I'm 35, based in Hertfordshire. 30 Minutes from London.

Over the last 13 years in my holistic health and wellbeing career, I have studied, trained and embodied my learnings and teachings extensively in the field of energy medicine, yoga, holistic therapy, and natural health.

I spent 10 years working in Bristol and London as a Massage Therapist, Aromatherapist, Reflexologist, Energy Worker and Mini Retreat Facilitator with clients, then trained in my 200 Hour Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training and went into teaching sessions thereafter and over the last 5 Years moved into health and wellbeing in corporate delivering Wellbeing Solutions.

51.7446093, -0.0206601


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Yoga Session

My Yoga Session With Donna Marie
I have had my third appointment and experienced my first Yoga session with Donna Marie and cannot recommend her highly enough. With me being a complete novice she started with some gentle warm up exercises including breathing correctly. We then progressed onto more advanced yoga positions and Donna Marie corrected my posture where needed.
By the end of the session my balance had improved immensely and I was able to sit cross legged which I hadn’t been able to previously, (certainly not for many years).
Donna Marie’s aftercare is also exceptional, she messaged me to ask how I was after our session and also emailed me exercises which I can do alone until our next appointment.

Date of experience: 12 October 2022

Posted by Wayne

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Energetic Facelift And Body Touch

Suffering with depression, insomnia and a form of body dysmorphia I chanced upon a post on Instagram from Donna Marie Morgana regarding Energetic Facelift & Body Touch. I booked a 90 minute session and met with Donna a beautiful soul full of infectious positivity, on 2nd August. I lay on her couch and she began to work her magic on me. Within minutes all the noise and stress that usually filled my head were gone, it was quiet and I had a calm, peaceful feeling. When the session was over I felt refreshed and revitalised, the tiredness was gone and I was positive for the future. Later on, where normally I would laze on the sofa on my day off, with no energy, I walked into town and did some shopping. That night I had the best sleep I’d had in years. Where before, if I was starting work midday I would stay in bed until about 10.30, I now get up early, do some gardening, housework or just relax with some music. I no longer waste my time wishing the days away. I am also more accepting of my appearance. Donna Marie asked “How does it get better than that?” & “What more is possible?” and these are questions I am asking myself daily. I would recommend Energetic Facelift & Body Touch 100%.
Date of Experience - 7th August 2022

Posted by Wayne

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Access Bars Healing

Donna Marie

Although I am certified in Reiki and with National Federation of Spiritual Healers as a Spiritual Healing, my ability to be pro-active in my own self-healing become limited.

I use various methods to self-heal, such as meditation, self-care, affirmations, visualisations, activations and other processes etc but still felt blocked and overwhelmed with the energy I had picked up in professional/personal interactions over the years.

I had one session with Donna-Marie in nature, which enabled me to release that energy and realign with my authentic self more fully.

Since doing this session, I have released toxic connections from my life, redefined my business goals, and lost excess weight almost effortlessly through an increased desire to eat healthy and be more active.

I am still not familiar with the Access Bars healing that Donna-Marie uses, but have maintained the impact of that session by using resources that she provided. And I can say it definitely works.

Since that session, life has continued to present challenges which is how life is. But, I continue to feel that I don’t have to be weighed down by their related thoughts, or energy blocks. This enables me to move through challenges with ease, and be of more service to others in both my professional/personal life.

Posted by Antoinette

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Access consciousness bars

I was lucky enough to receive this unique and beautiful healing from Donna Marie, which unlocked some deep rooted trauma, wounding and limiting beliefs. She expertly called, cleared and soothed this within less than an hour! I couldn’t believe it! She is a miracle worker! Thank you!xx

Posted by Luna Starfeather

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