Hello, welcome to my FHT page. I am Jan; a KORE Therapy Consultant and Musculoskeletal Specialist. I integrate Aromatherapy massage, Myofascial Release and cupping techniques into treatment sessions and Reiki and Qi Gong energy healing where practice is appropriate. My clinic is home based at Holistic Therapy at Captain's Den, nestled in the canal town of Stone, Staffordshire. My business practice was established in 2010, although I have over forty years health and care experience in the NHS and further education sectors. I offer a unique musculoskeletal assessment and bespoke treatment to look to the root of the cause for your concern/s and enhance your healthcare and well-being.
Practice name
J Hodgkiss Therapies
Jan Hodgkiss

ST15 8EB
United Kingdom

Mobile telephone
Business Email

52.9063837, -2.1476795


Did you enjoy your treatment?
What treatment(s) did you receive?
For lower back and shoulder pain

Relieving muscle tightness At shoulder and neck also loosening tightness from me shoulders . Amazing results . Need to go a couple time throughout the year but it works well for me . Also Jan reminds me of the back postures and exercises and stretches I can do myself.

Posted by Martin bacsa

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What treatment(s) did you receive?
I had kore therapy as had several areas that were causing me problems, neck, back, hips and knees. I had a back & neck massage using a variety of oils.
My second session of Kore therapy also includes cupping.

What can I say Jan is amazing!! I had kore therapy on my first session along with cupping on my second session. Jan identified my “trouble” areas by taking a detailed history and than a full assessment and already I can feel the difference.
Jan puts you at ease and fully explains everything, she is extremely knowledgable and gives you advice and exercises to do in between sessions. I would highly recommend Jan and can’t wait for my next session!

Posted by Sarah Sargeant

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FHT has verified the name and therapies practised for each member listed on the FHT Register, as listed above. Please note that additional information and the profile picture on this page is the responsibility of the therapist featured. FHT does not accept liability for the content or accuracy of additional information supplied, however, if you have a query or concern please contact us.

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Complementary therapies should not be used in place of conventional medical care. Always consult a GP or other health professional for medical attention and advice.