* Reiki level 2 practitioner

* Indian Head Massage practitioner

* Level 2 Sound Therapist - Solfeggio Tuning Forks, Crystal and Himalayan Bowls

* In a process of achieving full clinical accreditation for UK statutory settings - NHS hospitals and hospices, care homes as a Clinical Reiki Practitioner.

Volunteering at local hospital as reiki therapist for chronically ill patients.

You can get to know more about me at :

Practice name
Piotr Pawel Kieruzel
Piotr Kieruzel

United Kingdom

Business Email

53.5568603, -2.0778248


Did you enjoy your treatment?
What treatment(s) did you receive?
Reiki & Indian Head Massage

I contacted Peter as I was looking for help with relaxing and restoring balance in my life. I suffer from constant stress due to work and wanted to find a way to recalibrate my thinking. His Reiki treatment allowed me to relax and find inner peace. Peter was very professional and friendly, able to really relief me of the anxiety that work caused and his Indian Head Massage only further accelerated my recovery.

Posted by Maciej Frejman

Did you enjoy your treatment?
What treatment(s) did you receive?
I received a Reiki session.

Piotr is an incredibly kind and warm individual, and he let me experience the best Reiki session I've ever had.

Posted by Michał

Did you enjoy your treatment?
What treatment(s) did you receive?
I received a reiki session and hypnosis.

Body Mind and Soul is my remedy for stress, fear, anxieties, life problems and health problems. Thanks to Piotr, I first discovered the benefits of Reiki and then head massage, which take place in a calm atmosphere and a feeling of complete safety and care, allowing me to achieve peace, a state of emotional balance and also improve my physical health and mental condition. Thanks to the sessions with Piotr, I resolved many obstacles in my life. I discovered my deeply hidden talents and needs for spiritual development, I finally know how to be a happy and anxiety-free person,,, Moreover, these sessions are wonderful experiences of bliss, a sense of security and inner peace,,,,, I regularly come back for more and to each I highly recommend Body Mind and Soul ❤

Posted by Katarzyna

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FHT has verified the name and therapies practised for each member listed on the FHT Register, as listed above. Please note that additional information and the profile picture on this page is the responsibility of the therapist featured. FHT does not accept liability for the content or accuracy of additional information supplied, however, if you have a query or concern please contact us.

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