Practice name
Miranda Jankowska
Miranda Jankowska

EX39 1BU
United Kingdom

Business telephone
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51.039437, -4.2108788


Did you enjoy your treatment?
What treatment(s) did you receive?
Biodynamic Massage using a stethoscope

Miranda made me feel incredibly comfortable. We had a short consultation in which she gathered more information on what kind of treatment I needed and tailored it accordingly. The biodynamic massage was very relaxing and made me feel energised and calm at the same time. It's great to hear the response of my gut through the stethoscope and it helped me really connect with my body. I would highly recommend Miranda as a therapist, she combines working intuitively while being very skilled and knowledgable in a beautiful way.

Posted by Luzi

Did you enjoy your treatment?
What treatment(s) did you receive?
Sports/deep tissue/injury rehabilitation

The treatment I received was of the highest standard and very effective. I have suffered a serious back injury and as a result have much soft tissue damage and postural issues.
Miranda has a thorough knowledge of the body and was easily able to identify tension in the areas that were causing me discomfort and applied the techniques most effective for my injury. The bespoke treatment given benefited me more than many I've had previously.
Following the treatment I was given stretches and exercises that I could practice in my own time, some of which I'm still using.
I would highly recommend Miranda to anyone looking for a professional, effective treatment. Looking forward to booking in another session.

Posted by Harry

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FHT has verified the name and therapies practised for each member listed on the FHT Register, as listed above. Please note that additional information and the profile picture on this page is the responsibility of the therapist featured. FHT does not accept liability for the content or accuracy of additional information supplied, however, if you have a query or concern please contact us.

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