My story
I'm not just your average Massage Therapist!
Ive always had an interest in the human body and love how i can make a difference in peoples lives being hands on .
I have a high level of massage therapy expertise ,including practicing in Massage Therapy for over 16 years as mobile massage therapist and working along side a fitness instructors and chiropractic and former owner of The wellness centre working along side other specialists within the complementary industry .
This experience has helped me to see beyond the surface of you, as an individual but gain a deeper level of understanding of your postural alignment and inner health.
Practice name
MeTIME massage therapy
Melanie Warburton

United Kingdom

Mobile telephone

53.7026348, -1.8535147

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FHT has verified the name and therapies practised for each member listed on the FHT Register, as listed above. Please note that additional information and the profile picture on this page is the responsibility of the therapist featured. FHT does not accept liability for the content or accuracy of additional information supplied, however, if you have a query or concern please contact us.

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Complementary therapies should not be used in place of conventional medical care. Always consult a GP or other health professional for medical attention and advice.